
How To Use Downloaded Fonts Windows 10

Are you tired of using the aforementioned old fonts on your Windows 10 figurer? Why get stuck when in that location are several means you tin install fonts on Windows 10? Having new fonts to use can exist exciting as they tin can bring new life to your piece of work.

In this article, larn how to install and manage fonts on Windows 10, and yous'll never again take to settle using the default organization fonts. Let go started!


If you'd like to follow the steps in this tutorial, make sure that you meet these requirements.

  • A Windows 10 PC. This tutorial volition be using Windows ten version 20H2.
  • If y'all desire to install fonts for all users on the figurer, your user account must take administrative rights on the Windows ten PC.

Installing Fonts in Windows x

When you need to install fonts in Windows 10, there are several ways you can practice so. Each method is unlike, only the issue is the same. Yous'll have new fonts that you can utilize with various applications, such as discussion processors and text editors, to name a few.

Let'due south explore the unlike ways you tin install fonts in Windows 10.

Note: That the succeeding font installation methods install new fonts in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts directory of the electric current user only by default. If you want to install fonts for all users on the computer, skip to the Using the Font Viewer (All Users) section.

From the Microsoft Store

Microsoft gives its Windows 10 users the power to install apps directly from the Microsoft Store. But did you know that aside from apps, the Microsoft Store also lets you install fonts on Windows ten?

Best of all, yous'll be browsing available fonts like an online shopping itemize. And installing them is user-friendly with simply a few clicks. To install fonts on Windows 10 using the Microsoft Store, follow the steps below.

  1. Before you tin can install fonts, you lot kickoff need to open the Microsoft Store. To do so, click Start → Microsoft Shop.
Opening Microsoft Store
Opening Microsoft Store

ii. Once the Microsoft Shop window is upward, type fonts in the Search box and press Enter to search.

After the search, on the results, click the Explore new fonts push. Clicking the Explore new fonts button will bring you to the fonts gallery.

Searching for the fonts gallery
Searching for the fonts gallery

3. Next, you'll run across the list of available fonts that you tin can install on your Windows 10 estimator. Look for the font you want to install and click information technology. This case volition select the Ink Draft font, which is gratis.

Selecting a font to install
Selecting a font to install

iv. After selecting the font, you'll arrive at the font'south dedicated information page. On this page, yous'll find the details about the font. To go on installing the font, click the Become button.

The installation process may take several seconds to complete. In this instance, the installation took only 30 seconds.

Installing the font
Installing the font

5. After Microsoft Store completed the installation, you will see a bulletin saying This product is installed. To go out Microsoft Store, click the X button in the upper-correct corner. Or, if you want to install more fonts, y'all can repeat the same steps.

Exiting the Microsoft Store after installing a font on Windows 10
Exiting the Microsoft Shop after installing a font on Windows 10

Using the Windows Settings App

The cyberspace offers seemingly unlimited resources that you can download, including fonts. If yous've found a font that y'all like and downloaded it onto your figurer, what next?

Some other way to install fonts on Windows 10 is past dragging and dropping a font file into the Font setting app. How convenient is that? Follow the steps below to install a font in Windows 10.

If you don't have a sample font for testing, you may download the Pattaya font first, which this example will utilise.

ane. Showtime, open the Fonts settings on your computer. To practise and so, right-click on whatever blank space on your Desktop and click Personalize.

Opening the Personalization settings
Opening the Personalization settings

ii. On the Settings window, click the Fonts tab nether the Personalization department.

Under the Add together fonts department, y'all should run into a rectangular area that says Drag and drib to install. This area is you can drib one or more font files from your computer to install.

Opening the Fonts settings app
Opening the Fonts settings app

3. At present, open the File Explorer and navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the font. One time you've located the font file, click to hold the file, drag it to the Fonts settings window, and drib it to the Drag and drop to install expanse. Doing and so will install the font on the Windows 10 calculator.

You can also elevate and drib multiple font files at the same time.

Installing a font on Windows 10 using the Windows Settings
Installing a font on Windows 10 using the Windows Settings

Subsequently installing the font, you tin find the new font immediately nether the Available fonts list.

Viewing the installed font in the Windows Settings app
Viewing the installed font in the Windows Settings app

Using the Command Panel

The more traditional method to install fonts in Windows ten is through the Command Panel. Like the Windows Settings app, y'all'll need to elevate and driblet one or more files from a location on the calculator to the Control Console to install fonts.

Follow the steps below to install fonts in Windows x using the Control Panel.

one. Open File Explorer and locate the directory where you have downloaded the font files. Keep the File Explorer window open.

2. Next, open the Command Panel window. To exercise and then, click the Start → Windows System → Control Panel.

Opening the Control Panel window
Opening the Control Panel window

3. On the Control Panel window, click the search box on the peak correct and type in fonts to search for the Fonts Control Console item. On the search results, click the Fonts Command Panel detail to open the Fonts window.

Opening the fonts Window in Control Panel
Opening the fonts Window in Control Console

four. Now you lot take both File Explorer and the Fonts Command Console opened. On the File Explorer window, click or select the font files you desire to install.

After selecting the font files, click to hold the files, drag them to the Fonts Command Panel window, and release the mouse button to drop the files. Dropping the files volition automatically install the fonts on your computer.

Installing a font on Windows 10 using the Control Panel
Installing a font on Windows ten using the Control Panel

After installing the fonts, y'all tin can at present meet them in the Fonts Control Panel window.

Viewing the installed font in Control Panel
Viewing the installed font in Command Console

Using the Windows Font Viewer

In Windows, font files open with Windows Font Viewer by default. The Windows Font Viewer is a built-in Windows plan for viewing and installing fonts (%WINDIR%\System32\fontview.exe).

To view and install fonts in Windows ten using the Windows Font Viewer, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the File Explorer and browse to the font file's location.
  2. Once you lot've located the font file, double click the font file to open it in the Windows Font Viewer window.
  3. On the Windows Font Viewer, you'll see the font details and its preview. To install the font, click the Install button at the top of the window. The font installation should complete speedily, and there will be no confirmation messages.
Installing a font using the Font Viewer
Installing a font using the Font Viewer

Using the Windows Font Viewer (All Users)

Upward to this signal, you've just been installing new fonts in the user context, which puts new fonts in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts binder past default. Meaning, in shared computers, each user must install the font in their user profiles.

Using the Windows Font Viewer, you can install fonts for all users on a computer. But your user account must have administrator rights on the calculator.

Installing fonts for all users will install the font file to the %WINDIR%\Fonts binder.

To install fonts for all users, open the File Explorer and browse the font file's location. Next, right-click on the font file and click Install for all users.

Installing a font for all users
Installing a font for all users

During the font installation, you'll but briefly see the progress indicator similar to the image below.

Fonts installation progress indicator
Fonts installation progress indicator

Uninstalling Fonts in Windows 10

There may be times when you demand to uninstall fonts from your computer. Such as when you lot no longer demand the font or if you plan to install an updated version of the font. Whatever the reason, know the there are ways to uninstall fonts in Windows 10 you lot tin perform.

Note: When uninstalling a system-wide font (all users), your user business relationship must take administrator rights on the local figurer.

Using the Windows Settings App

One way to uninstall fonts in Windows 10 is from the Windows Settings App. To practice then, keep as follows.

1. First, open the Fonts Windows Settings. To do and then, right-click the Start button and click on Run to open up the run dialog box. On the Run dialog, type the command ms-settings:fonts in the Open box and press Enter or click OK.

Opening the Fonts Windows Settings
Opening the Fonts Windows Settings

2. Next, nether the Available fonts listing, blazon the font's name you desire to uninstall in the search box. On the search results, click the font proper noun to open its properties.

Finding the font to uninstall
Finding the font to uninstall

3. Once you're in the font's backdrop window, click on the Uninstall button. Clicking on this button will uninstall the font from the estimator.

Uninstalling the font
Uninstalling the font

Using the Control Panel

Some other method to uninstall a font in Windows x is through the Control Panel.

1. To open up Fonts Command Panel, right-click the Outset push button and click Run. In the Open up box, type in control fonts and press Enter or click OK.

Opening the Fonts Control Panel window
Opening the Fonts Control Panel window

two. You should now be in the Fonts list in Control Console. To uninstall a font, click to select the font and click the Delete button. You tin also select multiple fonts by belongings down the CTRL key while clicking on each font.

Uninstalling a font
Uninstalling a font

3. At the confirmation window that pops upwardly, click Yes to confirm to delete the font.

Confirming the font deletion
Confirming the font deletion


This article showed you how not to get stuck with the same set of arrangement fonts, which can be wearisome over time. Yous learned the different means to install fonts in Windows x and how to uninstall them, too. Which method did you like all-time?

Exercise y'all know other means of installing fonts in Windows 10 that weren't in this tutorial? Let united states of america know!


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